Friday, February 12, 2010

"Take a hike."

There are millions of people in this world and many of them you don’t even want to talk to. When grounded in a conversation with someone of that sort you just want them to exit your presence. There are developed phrases for this situation, bolstering my opinion that some people are terribly annoying, and have been for decades, centuries, or undoubtedly since the existence of man.
Upon graduation of college, folks in their early twenties immediately feel the need to find out what everyone else is doing, who they’ve known before their development of life. These people are currently working for respectable, foot-in-the-door corporations with or for their parents, or they’re DJing at the newly renovated local club which is under “New Management.” Stumbling into a local bar, you are less than excited to see who you walk into, but you’re open to having an adequate time. The first conversation you engage in is immediately stricken with the question, “What do you do now?” This will enable the questionnaire to grasp an understanding of your current position in this world. He or she now has the ability to take it up a notch. It is possible at this time for them insert a minor lie or exaggeration. Some tend to throw in goals and speak of them as if they were already accomplished. After the “one up” has been achieved there may be another question. This question isn’t meant to bring you below them, but it is their recollection of what you USED to do or maybe still do. This questions starts with, “So are you still…” It can extend to “So are you still into the car thing.” Or, “So are you still into the art thing.” You know that thing that you did, as if you only did it because you were in high school and didn’t know any better. You may respond with, “Of course I’m still into the art thing.” “Of course I still work on cars, I love them.” But is it lucrative? They want to know what it is you do to make money and if they are in a better position. With that being said we can consider these people annoying. And, with the help of our ancestors, we have phrases we are itching to use. “Take a hike.”
When speaking with or after speaking with the likes of the people previously mentioned, you want them to literally take a hike. Put on some boots and wander off into the forest. If you happened to have too many drinks at this point you may settle with “Get lost.” You do not care where they go as long as they are lost. This phrase is also very commonly used by females during the human mating process in step one, talking to the potential mate.

Below is a list of Honorable Mention phrases for ridding an annoying person:

Beat it!
Make like a banana and split!
Go away.
Talk to the hand cause’ the man don’t understand.
Are you still here?
Oh, I’m sorry. Did you say something?
I wish to be left alone.
I’m going to punch you in the face if you don’t leave.
GET OFF MY PLANE- Harrison Ford

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